CESL Intensive English Program Application Form


After submitting this form, you will be asked to pay the application fees online. Please have a credit card ready. There could also be additional shipping fees applied when mailing an I-20.

After you submit your application, you will get an email requesting necessary documentation (see application procedures page) for details. Your application will not be considered complete until we receive all supporting documents.

Please complete this form in English to the best of your ability.

Personal Information
This email will receive applicant updates and documents, so it must be accessible to the applicant.
Only complete this field if you would like all correspondence to be sent to an additional email address.
Permanent Home Address
Note: If requesting an I-20, this cannot be a United States address.
U.S. School
U.S. Institution Information
If you are now in the U.S. in F-1 or J-1 status, give the name and address of the school you are attending.
U.S. Home Address
Immigration Information
You must include the name, age, and relation of every family member who will be accompanying you. Later, you will be asked to provide a copy of the biographical information page of every family member.
Please indicate the highest level of education that you have completed.
Please be specific.

Once you click "Submit", you will be asked to pay the application fees online. Please have a credit card ready.

Terms & Conditions